Five Things You Need To Create A Successful Career As A Journalist

Laura Desiree Of Red Umbrella Talk on the "Five Things You Need To Create A Successful Career As A Journalist". Interview by Authority Magazine.

… Compile your questions and try them out in open discussion with trusted debate partners. Don’t go into the discussion with a plan to “win” but see what areas the conversation goes to see what directions it leads you. This will help you comprehend the size of the task at hand.

Immerse yourself in your side of the argument AND the opposition. Know exactly how the subject is viewed by those for it and those against it. It can be ugly and infuriating work, but it is necessary.

Journal about it for no one but yourself. This practise is shockingly effective in helping you build a vocabulary to discuss it and express yourself.

Make your mission known on social media, this will attract all kinds of leads to interviews, information and potential outlets to carry your mission and message.

Stay curious, don’t ever “close the book” on a story completely. If you’ve already published the piece, keep following the developments because you may find your way back to tell the update.

As a part of our series about “Five Things You Need To Succeed As A Journalist”, we had the pleasure of interviewing Laura Desiree. Laura is a Podcaster, Streamer and professional provocateur. She is the writer, producer, and presenter for the legacy webseries NakedNews. She is also the producer and host of Youtube’s sex work talk show Red Umbrella Talk.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series Laura! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

I was raised by a single father who was (and is) a total media junkie with a long career in radio producing and presenting. As a family, my twin sister and I spent our pre-teen evenings critiquing and dissecting classic films, arthouse films and consuming every album in my father’s room of vinyl. We were encouraged to stay curious about how artistic contributions have impacted the world through historic revolutions and to investigate how it’s shaped our society as the media reached its place as the most powerful force in our modern world.

As a twin, you are forever fighting for your individuality. As a motherless daughter, you are left to learn about femininity on your own. I found my unique calling in studying sexuality. I spent years as an on-stage erotic, cabaret artist observing how depictions of sexuality affect an audience and the last 7-years of my life as a journalist speaking with professionals who make a living in and around Sex Work; service providers, allies, activists, educators and unapologetic pleasure seekers.

Can you share the most interesting story that occurred to you in the course of your career?

I was on assignment in Eastern Europe for Naked News documenting a river-cruise down the Danube with a group of sex positive, fun-loving swingers and naturists.

One of the professionals leading an intimacy workshop on board was clinical sexologist, Dr. Valerie Poppel. I was prepped to interview her about the curriculum she had planned for the vacation, but in our discussion of her life and career I learned about her legacy founding the Swann Center Institute.

Her mission is to provide support and coaching for adults on the autism spectrum in pursuit of intimate connections. Unaware of this effort existing in our world, I was moved to tears by her dedication to encompassing some of our most underserved and too-often neglected members of society in the very human quest for connection.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I am a reformed people pleaser.

Being less agreeable in conversation can actually bring about a more potent presentation of your guest/subject. In my weekly podcast Licked&Loaded, I interview people who unapologetically prioritize pleasure in their lives, be it influencers in the sex-positive community or individuals who earn a living in some facet of Sex Work.

As I am very much a part of this community and wholeheartedly feel we are in the midst of a very powerful, positive sexual revolution, it’s so easy to slip into a celebratory tone when talking to my guest. I began to feel uninspired in the conversations I was having. I felt I was “chasing my tail” because in reality, I was! It’s our responsibility to get those answers that are uncomfortable to attain.

I have learned to view it as a chance to really let the guest show what they are made of. Having been on the receiving end of difficult questions, I know the benefit in constantly working on the words to best express myself.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

The Sex Lives of Senior Citizens! Our relationship to self endures undeniable development as we age. The maturing process provides a never ending opportunity to know oneself more intimately. We learn the paths to our greatest pleasures through years of trial and error. 

This phenomenon (in regards to sex and sexual satisfaction) should mean we have the best sex later in life. But as a culture we resist observing our elders as sexually active or sexually ambitious people. The free-loving baby boomers are now our senior demographic, these are the people who ushered in the most historic Sexual Revolution(s) of our modern world. 

I want to learn about the sex they’re having. Intimacy is desired throughout life in such fascinating nuance, and for those of us hoping to keep our parents and grandparents happy and healthy in their golden years, sexual satisfaction is major department to acknowledge.

I’m also very excited to announce we are underway with Red Umbrella Talk Season 2. Audiences can expect having their questions about the trans sex work experience, sex work and the US medical system and aging in Sex Work addressed by professionals!

Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?

Within the business of sex work are so many fascinating individuals who find ways to flourish under an immense amount of stigma and daily challenges that would likely stun most folk into surrender or some kind of spiritual paralysis. The industry is built by some of the most resourceful, brilliant and resilient people I’ve ever met. World renowned Dominatrix, Eva Oh introduced me to her world in an interview we did a few years ago now.

As a kinkster myself, I was aware of the job description she held, but not the rich details of just how masterfully psychological her work is. Of course, there are physical encounters one can experience with a Professional Dominatrix perhaps in a dungeon or a hotel room setting, but there is this massive, booming market for Financial Domination in which most times she and the submissive never actually meet. Instead she communicates to them online and will outline tasks for them to complete and torment them with perfectly tailored banter, but the true art is in deepening that relationship so that the intensity they crave is always elevating. She knows how to efficiently uncover those deeply hidden soft spots that can be pressed on in a magnitude of ways (and sometimes it’s actually about the denial of pressing them)

The FBI wishes they had such sophisticated ability to interrogate and disarm!

What advice would you give to your colleagues in the industry, to thrive and not “burnout”?

​​I need advice on this myself- I’m currently nursing a burnout because of my appetite to take on assignments and lock down time with my never-ending hit list of interview guests! However, you run the risk of resenting your own ambition when you burn out- how unfortunate that would be!

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

My work has always been in the desire to end the stigma around sexuality that’s based in misinformation and harmful assumptions. I want the truth to come from the mouth’s of those who have the experience. As my audience grows, I have always prioritized securing the stage for the voice of the truth-teller.

I know this is not an easy job. What drives you?

My desire to see a more sexually educated and equipped general public, my desire to host more conversations that normalize this profoundly natural facet of our lives. Sex is the great motivator in our lives and investigating what sexual satisfaction and intimacy means to YOU is the key to having your most rewarding and most sincere love and life connections. Regardless of the type of sexual or intimate encounter you want, we are compelled to seek pleasure. Pleasure is for the individual to define.

According to this Gallup poll, only 36% of Americans trust the mass media. This is disheartening. As an insider, are there a few things that journalists can do to increase the levels of trust? Can you give some examples?

Share the sources that informed your work, consider including some background on what drew YOU to the story, present a fair and knowledgeable understanding of the opposing argument.

Ok wonderful. Thank you for all of that. Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “Five Things You Need To Create A Successful Career As A Journalist” and why? Please share a story or example for each

  1. Compile your questions and try them out in open discussion with trusted debate partners. Don’t go into the discussion with a plan to “win” but see what areas the conversation goes to see what directions it leads you. This will help you comprehend the size of the task at hand.
  2. Immerse yourself in your side of the argument AND the opposition. Know exactly how the subject is viewed by those for it and those against it. It can be ugly and infuriating work, but it is necessary.
  3. Journal about it for no one but yourself. This practise is shockingly effective in helping you build a vocabulary to discuss it and express yourself.
  4. Make your mission known on social media, this will attract all kinds of leads to interviews, information and potential outlets to carry your mission and message.
  5. Stay curious, don’t ever “close the book” on a story completely. If you’ve already published the piece, keep following the developments because you may find your way back to tell the update.
  6. Bonus Tip: Don’t ever assume you DON’T have what it takes to share your findings with the world.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

I would ask that all people in all phases of this life take note of what brings them pleasure. Be it a specific sensation or an experience that coloured their world. Be it a stimulating trigger of arousal or an all-over wash of feeling loved and worthy- take note of it!

Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂

Jane Fonda. She is an icon, activist and an unflinching female who inspires me to live authentically at all costs. Thank you Jane.

This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

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Eros Unbound is a unique event dedicated to the exploration of erotic literature through both reading and writing. Held monthly in Brooklyn.
In an interview from Queer Majority in the series Business of Sex Laura Desirée shares her journey as an Intimacy Coordinator.

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